Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rockets make three major U.S. media completely disappointed ,probabaly play 10 straight games off

Rockets suffer a four-game losing streak.In theory, there are still the possibility of the playoffs, but in reality? In the famous sports site "ESPN" experts Hollinger data view, the western finals of the list have been identified,while the probability of the playoffs for the Rockets is empity. Adelman should experiment with new lineup and new exercise in the future.

Hollinger said in the article in just 10 games left among the rockets possible to achieve record is 4 wins 6 losses, while the team's final record will be set at 40 wins 42 negative cells, this record will certainly miss quarters Caesar. Of course, not rule out the rocket put rotten in the end, play a wave of 10 straight games to end the season. Line from the recent appearance of view, Rockets coach Rick Adelman has begun to make a change, and his more recent training young players are mainly among the Lakers game, Adelman will be opportunities for starting a rookie Taylor. Taylor doing well despite, but the Rockets still not win. After the rocket scientist Fagan also said that the main task at this stage rocket is to exercise the potential of newcomers. "This season, hitting at this stage, the rocket should be given more playing time to obtain new and fully tap their potential, even though sometimes they play is not ideal, but this is the best to deal with the rest of the season approaches the. "

In fact, this is not the first to declared Rockets missed the playoffs of well-known U.S. media .Before the game, well-known U.S. media, "PlayoffStatus" specially once wrote an article on the rocket where the form of Southwest Division playoffs, analysis and forecasting, the article pointed out that the rockets, Memphis and New Orleans basically out of the playoffs. Followed by successive loss to the Bulls and the Rockets Thunder, suffered two-game losing streak, "NBA official website," pointed out that the rocket had missed the last chance to fight for playoff places, they have been this season, missed playoffs. Now it seems that the list of eight western region have been identified, the only concern may be the final ranking Western quarterfinals.

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