Friday, April 9, 2010

Budinger: The last four games will not relax, offseason with one goal

Rockets rookie Chase  Houston, Budinger received local media. Rockets this season, left the last 4 games, Budinger said they will not relax, to continue running team, until the arrival of off-season, his number one goal is to train forces, allow yourself to become stronger.

Speaking at a Houston victory over the Jazz, Budinger who wins in the energy and full of "Jazz is a very good team, they ranked second in the West. We are the first in a victory over Memphis, the change very confident on the Jazz's game, we are well prepared, full of energy. "

A reporter said the Jazz back to back, before midnight arrived in Houston, under great physical impact, Budinger straightforward way that this is not an excuse, "This is not an excuse, every team must travel, to go through back to back." He also said the Jazz ball style dirty, "they are too many little tricks, sliding collisions, with the elbows, these actions a lot more than other teams."

Budinger revealed that the rocket would not choose to give up the last four games, "we will play well and go all out camel, we want to continue running the rest of the race team, so the chemical reaction for the better. In this case, will for the next season better prepared. "

Into the off-season rocket soon, for Budinger, this is not a break. "I will stay with the team, they have developed a training program for me, mainly to help me get stronger some, there is for my mobile to become faster. I think I will make good practice for the next season lay a foundation.

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