Monday, April 12, 2010

Stoudemire want to get a big contract, another study stage of the playoffs is the real

Rockets away to the sun, the first three sections, both sides played locked, but the Suns with the magic beyond the arc last minute to play in the final to beat the Rockets 116-106. The game, Suns forward Amare Stoudemire scored a team-high 35 points and contributed 13 rebounds and 3 blks.

The fourth quarter left in 5 minutes 16 seconds, Stoudemire's explosive breakthrough with his excellent basket, he strode throw off the defense Scola, easy layup to help the Suns to 96 - 95 lead. Brooks then hit the third ball outside, so the Rockets to regain control of the court's initiative. At this point the two sides have plunged into the final stalemate, as the parties have raised a lot of defensive intensity, who can not find it easy outside shots. Critical moment, Stadler Meyer again demonstrated the inside of the offensive power. Stoudemire and Nash played in the last line of the classic under screens, after he received under the Nash along the pass, easy layup.

Scola did not show weakness in the inside of the offensive, attacking the basket he then created a small Sri Lanka's thugs foul, two free throws with the ball into the basket. Scola can, and a small ratio, Stoudemire is clearly more dominant in the inside, not outside shooting in Richardson, Stoudemire grabbed the top position of the high leaps off offensive rebounds, his ball to Richard Anderson quickly after his post moves, ball points Jason Richardson back in time, catch Stoudemire dunks directly succeed. Stoudemire scored six minutes later, the two sides battle became a 100-100 level.

Inasmuch, the sun began to display its power outside forces, Nash, and Frye outside third consecutive hit Richardson also icing on the cake, the Suns scored the game wrapped up the victory. Although the last three minutes is the third successive victory in the key decision, but had to admit that is a small Sri Lankan excellent inside play helped the Phoenix Suns and the Rockets score has been biting his big deterrent extent, to attract the attention of the Rockets defense, That makes the sun team won so many outside shots.

Into April, the little Sri Lanka has been very stable performance, beating the Pistons and the King's two games, Stoudemire scored 29 points are his impact has been inside the sun protection team win.

Although the small Williams on the offensive end has the absolute rule of force, but his defense has been criticized by experts, according to Stoudemire's physical condition and ability can play the whole 20 +10 data, but Stoudemire averaged a career field 8.9 rebounds and 1.4 blocked shots, he prefers to put his offensive performance, and even some disdain for the defense. May all know, if we really want to win a championship, the Suns have a difference in the defense area. This is their contract has not been any reason for Stoudemire.

Today, the Phoenix Suns in the regular season still three games where the west still have the opportunity Sharu the first four, if Stoudemire Suns really want to get a lucrative contract extension, the performance of the playoffs is bound to become the key determinant. Although the Suns a championship this season, hopes are not great, but Stoudemire at least need to play the Rockets into the playoffs when the performance of such Caixing.

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