Wednesday, April 14, 2010

McNabb joined the Redskins team officially unveiled


Quarterback Donovan  McNabb officially unveiled Washington Redskins team, which is effective for 12 years he left the Philadelphia Eagles after the first contacts with the media on behalf of new owners.

McNabb said: "I always believed that the loose ends of words, many people agree with this approach, although many now also have to be traded off quarterback, but some changes are benign, sometimes you are forced to deal, although I more willing to stay in Philadelphia, but I can not be achieved. "Although still miss former team, but this time the Redskins coach McNabb - Mike Shanahan's side, the other with only two draft picks in exchange for this 33-year-old veteran, follow the two-year training the opposition won the Super Bowl champion Colts, John - Elvey, let McNabb Redskins team comeback as the core, can be well-intentioned.

McNabb said the team will participate in offseason training, from the first mini-camp less than two weeks, but he must first spend a few weeks to move, he said: "I think this deal is like was off again in the same draft, you come to a new team, strive to adapt to the new environment, and new running mate, I feel like going back 22 years. "As the Redskins team very popular in Washington, DC area welcome to join the news page so McNabb accounted for the recent headlines, the limelight even more than Obama, television helicopters to catch McNabb's shadow, hovered over every day in Redskins Park, McNabb said: "This is really interesting, but does not affect my normal training and life."

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