Friday, April 23, 2010

Bulls gain more, James playoff trip to Chicago next season?

Most NBA fans probably know that in NBA playoff history, no team can match 0 to 3 in the series behind win situation reversed. Bulls down naturally understand this. So, in today's League regular season champion them and the third contest in Cleveland, has 0 to 2 amazing behind the bull burst of energy, to 108, 106 win over the opponent, to keep the hope of entering the next round.

Bulls veteran Kirk - Kirk Hinrich scored 27 points, lol - Deng, 20 points for Houston, but the home team to win the largest contributor, or their "champion Boy" Derek - Rose, 31, the performance of sub-0 errors are staggering. Bulls need to thank the people of course, there are many, such as Taki - Gibson and Joe Gold - NOAA for the inside of the guard, Hinrich went 4 of 4 three-pointers in the game if there is no Deng 1 minute 12 seconds left caused by LeBron - James offensive foul, the Bulls are likely to be Knights comeback.

If the Bulls get the playoffs this unexpected trip to give them not only more box-office revenue, and still make sense to James Chicago is the most suitable to his next stop, then even eat the paint NOAA to more Shaq - Shaquille O'Neal's elbow, but also worth it. Perhaps James seems the Bulls are dominant from the East, only a single person. James seems perhaps the bull by the poor is the man himself. If so, then even if the Bulls eventually sweeping out, then they can say this series since the Bulls dynasty of the most far-reaching one after the playoffs.

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